Debian Squeeze on Macbook Pro (Part II)

So, this is what I did to make wifi works on Macbook. First, I had to connect to the Internet by using cable. Thanks God our house has the cable (confirmed with my housemate that the cable is dedicated to the people who needs to do weird things LoL).

Below are the steps to enable connection via cable:

  1. Edit /etc/hosts, add newname so it become something like this: debbie newname
  2. Set hostname to newname by using this command: hostname newname
  3. Remove oldname from /etc/hosts so it become: newname
  4. Find out the name of the network card interface (usually it's eth0) by using: ls /sys/class/net 
  5. If there is a NetworkManager installed, you need to stop it by using the script from the usual location /etc/init.d, then you'll also need to remove it by using apt-get. But if there is a NetworkManager installed, why would you need to use command line to connect to the LAN?
  6. Next, bring up the connection by using:
    sudo ip link set dev eth0 down
    sudo dhclient eth0
And next, just follow the steps explained on this page (wl) thoroughly and you should be getting a working wifi on Macbook Pro (late 2010 version).

If there is not a network manager available, then need to install it by using:
apt-get install network-manager-gnome
apt-get install network-manager-kde

By default, linux has ipv6 installed. To disable it:
run: echo net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 > /etc/sysctl.d/disableipv6.conf

and then modify /etc/modprobe.d/aliases.conf, add these lines:
alias net-10 ipv6 off
alias ipv6 off

And yes, time goes by so quickly when you are working on the computer (have you noticed that?). 
I lose track of time while working on these things I looked at the clock and then realized that it's already 1AM, OMG!!

Next step would be trying to:
  1. Installing GNOME (will be very easy) *
  2. Make brightness auto-adjustment works. Though by following the steps from Debian's wiki, the brightness up and down keys are working properly.
  3. Assigning MAC keys to their original purpose.
  4. Finding out how to backup the entire debian, for future
  5. Auto backup for essential folders when an external HDD is attached and last backup was older than 1 week -> it might be disturbing that every time you connect an external HDD, it backs up. ** 
  6. Create a script to backup everything

* To KDE fans: no offense, this is just a matter of taste. I might or might not be ending up liking KDE, but before that I still would like to see GNOME
** Well, lets admit that when your HDD is working fine, this kind of thing seems too exaggerating. But when it's dead, you'll be sorry like I was when you didn't have it.

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