Single Entry Point and Single Exit Point

I don't agree with "single exit point" and so did I practically never apply it.

Glad to find an entry on this website:

It said that:

This advice is outdated and bad for code pratice because it will lead to temporary variable which is hard to maintain.

To me, temporary variables smell bad a lot rather that multiple exit points.

public void uglyAndWrong(final int hamsandwich) {
int answer;
if (hamsandwich % 2 == 0) {
= 27;
} else {
= 13;
return answer;


public void comelyAndHip(final int hamsandwich) {
if (hamsandwich % 2 == 0) {
return 27;
return 13;

How about multiple entry point ?

Look at this code:

public void doSomething(MyObject person, boolean beNice) {
if (beNice) {
//code to do something nice
} else {
//code to do something not nice


public void doSomethingNice(MyObject person) {
//code to do something nice

public void doSomethingNotNice(MyObject person) {
//code to do something not nice

Which one do you prefer ?
I prefer the first one coz it would reduce code duplications because most of the time, code to "do something nice" will just be different in a little way with "do something not nice".

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